Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lots of things happen in short times

Let's get straight to the chase eh? I disassembled one of my cameras during 2-D Design and Color class with my wonderful teacher Debra Eck. After undoing this I then got excited since it took so long, it's my first try and all, and then I joined the class in the project we were undergoing, an altered book project ^_^. I hadn't known that we were going to be doing this or I would have brought the books I had bought on the street in New York when I went the last month!!! But this was fine since she had these awesome old encyclopedias. The paper was awesome, yellowed and thick, I love old paper. The feel of it, the smell, the... taste? Nah not really the taste but hey... maybe someday I'll find a book that I do, maybe there's a cookbook with scratch and lick stickers in it? Yes. So that night I went home and tried to reload the camera... to no avail, but I will not give up... I broke some things inside the camera, this may be why... in fact I'm sure of it. Hahahaha. That's fine since I have.. MORE! MUHAHAHA. But okay, yes.

As I made my way through looking around for ideas for my identity project for this design class I stumbled upon some great and inspiring images! I will show. Hmmmm... Yes ^_^ Here. - This. - That. - The other. - Here. - This. - The other thing. - another. - and another. - and yet. - an other. - and gosh - another.... - i'm such a busy body...

But ya... I gotta go guys.
Oh and yesterday... the 22nd now I guess was my girlfriend and I's 8 month anniversary.
WAIT!!! Deb tagged me!
So here we go! FIVE UNUSUAL THINGS ABOUT ME! This shouldn't be hard since as a person I believe I am pretty... unusual?

ONE- I don't like apple pie. Right? What is wrong with me?
TWO- I have a paisley tie and paisley fabric collection.... ya... love it.
Four- Two words. Vampires & Zombies. LOVE!
FIVER- I am too easily amused... really it is ridiculous... really.

PS?? Six- I'm super masochistic... to the point where it is sometimes really dangerous since i will sometimes get absolutely no sleep for days. This is involved in doing artwork and the like.

Love and peace, bye bye.


1 comment:

  1. kissing up to me on your blog can't improve your grade... but thanks for playing!
